Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Program Description:

The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering program is designed to prepare students for a professional career in Industrial Engineering, including leadership roles in designing, improving, and implementing integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. Graduates must possess specialized knowledge and skills in mathematical, physical, and social sciences, combined with engineering analysis and design principles, to specify, predict, and evaluate the outcomes of such systems.

Distinct Features of the Program

This program stands out for its comprehensive approach to Industrial Engineering education, ensuring graduates are well-equipped to excel in their careers and positively impact the field. 

  1. Interdisciplinary Approach
    • The program integrates principles from various fields, including engineering, mathematics, management, and social sciences, to equip students with a holistic understanding of industrial systems. 
  2. Hands-on Learning
    • Internships and capstone projects offer practical exposure to industrial engineering challenges, enabling application of knowledge in professional settings. 
  3. Industry Partnerships
    • Collaborations with industry leaders offer networking, mentorship, and access to the latest technology and practices. 
  4. Experienced Faculty
    • Our faculty consists of seasoned industrial engineers active in research and industry, offering current knowledge and insights. 
  5. Global Perspective
    • A focus on global awareness and international experiences, including exchange programs and projects, prepares graduates for a diverse workforce. 
  6. Continuous Improvement
    • Ongoing assessments and feedback ensure the curriculum meets industry demands and international standards. 

Opportunities Provided by the Program

  1. Attendance and presentations at conferences and symposia, offering insight into current research and industry trends.
  2. Internships and cooperative education with industry partners, building real-world experience and professional networks.
  3. Participation in leadership development programs and organizations, enhancing leadership and management skills.
  4. Membership in industrial engineering clubs, societies, and professional organizations, fostering knowledge, leadership, and networking.
  5. Faculty and advisors support students in preparing for certifications such as the Certified Industrial Engineer (CIE) Examination, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, and Basic Occupational Safety and Health, enhancing marketability.

Program Education Objectives (PEO)

Three to five years after graduation, the Industrial Engineering alumni shall have:

1. Engaged in life-long learning and professional development through continuing education, participation in professional organizations or acquiring additional competency certifications related to the profession.

2. Practiced or performed industrial engineering works with good ethical and professional standards imbued with LPU Laguna core values.

3. Applied technical ability or management skills to assess enterprise value through analyzing and designing optimized solutions to systems of people, technology and information

Institutional Graduate Attributes (IGA)

  • GA 1. Collaborative Team Leaders
  • GA 2. Competent Lifelong Learners
  • GA 3. Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers
  • GA 4. Committed and Values Driven Leaders
  • GA 5. Creative and Innovative Leaders

Program Quality Assurance

  • PAASCU Level 3

National Qualification Framework

  • Level 6 (Philippine Qualification Framework)

Reference CMO

  • CMO 96 series 2017- Policies, Standards and Guidelines for BS Industrial Engineering

Career Opportunities

Graduates of BSIE can have professions and careers as

  • Customer Service Engineer
  • Ergonomist
  • Logistics/Supply Chain Manager
  • Management System Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer/Manager
  • Methods Engineer
  • Operations Engineer/Manager
  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Planning Engineer
  • Process Improvement Engineer
  • Production Planner
  • Project Engineer/Manager
  • Quality Assurance Engineer/Manager
  • Research and Development Engineer
  • System Analyst/Engineer/Designer
  • Safety Engineer
  • Technopreneur

Student Outcomes (SO)

Upon graduation, the BSIE learners who are Collaborative Team Leaders, Competent Lifelong Learners, Critical Thinkers and Problem Solvers, Committed and Values-Driven Leaders, and Creative and Innovative Visionaries, shall be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve industrial engineering problems.
  2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data.
  3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
    environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards.
  4. Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  5.  Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying the principles of mathematics, science and engineering.
  6. Demonstrate ethical and professional responsibility in engineering situations and make informed judgments,
    which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  7. Communicate effectively in a wide range of audiences.
  8. Evaluate the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  9. Recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
  10. Appraise contemporary global and societal issues, and their impact on engineering solutions.
  11. Apply appropriate techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
  12. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  13. Design, develop, implement, and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment, and energy.

Admission Criteria and Requirements

  • For Freshmen
    • Form 138 (Report Card)
    • Form 137 (Transcript of Record)
    • Good Moral Character Certificate
    • Original PSA Authenticated Birth Certificate
    • 2 pcs Identical 2 x 2 ID Photo with white background and name tag
  • For Transferees
    • Certificate of Transfer Credentials
    • Certificate of Grades
    • Course description with Course Content
    • Good Moral Character Certificate
    • Transcript of Records
    • Original PS Authenticated Birth Certificate
    • 2 pcs Identical 2 x 2 ID Photo with white background and name tag

Requirements needed to graduate

  1. Complete Academic Requirements
  2. Passing the Final Oral Defense for Capstone Project and Project Feasibility Study

Summary Units of BSIE Courses



A. Mathematics 


B. Natural/Physical Sciences 


C. Basic Engineering Sciences 


D. Allied Courses 


E. Professional Courses 


F. Electives 






A. Required General Courses 


B. General Education Electives and Mandated Courses 


C. Physical Education 


D. National Service Training 


E. Institutional Required 






Program Duration: 4 years