
  1. inquiry/application for entrance exam – marketing
  2. payment-applicant, cashier
  3. entrance exam-guidance
  4. admission – registrar’s office
    • a1 -submission of credentials
    • a2 – fill up of spdsu
    • a3 – interview w/ the dean
    • a4 -verification of scholarship
  5. enrollment
    • e1 – enlistment – registrar
    • e2 – payment – cashier
    • e3 – printing of registration form – registrar
  6. id and uniform – osas/bookstore
  1. inquiry – marketing
  2. evaluation – registrar
  3. interview/validation of evaluation – dean
  4. payment- entrance exam -cashier
  5. entrance exam – guidance
  6. admission – registrar
    • a1 – submission of credentials
    • a2 – fill up of spdsu
  7. enrollment
    • e1 – enlistment – registrar
    • e2 – payment – cashier
    • e3 – printing of registration form – registrar
  8. id and uniform – osas/bookstore
STEP 1: Submit your True Copy of Grades/Transcript of Records to the Registrar's Office for evaluationThe Registrar's OfficeRegistrar's Staff
STEP 2: Go to Dean's Office for interview.The Dean's office of your respective collegeDean
STEP 3: Proceed to the Admissions Office to submit the following:(a) Transfer Credentials/Honorable dismissal (b) True Copy of Grades (c) Transcript of Records (d) Certificate of Good Moral Character (e) Copy of Birth Certificate from NSO (f) Three (3) pieces, 2x2 ID picture (g) Copy of College Entrance Test ResultsThe Admissions OfficeAccounting staff
STEP 4: Fill out and submit Student Data Sheet FormAdmissions OfficeRegistrar's staff
STEP 5: Proceed to Cashier's Office to pay for reservationCashierAccounting staff
STEP 6: Go to the Dean's office for advising of subjectsThe Dean's office of your respective collegeDean
STEP 7: Copy schedule of advised subjects (posted on the bulletin board of each program)JPL or PHL lobbyStudent
STEP 8: a. Go back to the Dean's Office and submit advising form (FM-LPL/LPU-SC-CHDN-01) for enlisting of subjectsThe Dean's office of your respective collegeDean and Secretary
b. FOR THOSE PAYING THROUGH INSTALLMENT: Submit completed SPDS (FM-LPL/LPU-SCREGO-02) to the Dean then claim Registration Form (FM-LPL/LPU-SC-REGO-15)The Dean's office of your respective collegeDean and Secretary
C. FOR THOSE PAYING IN FULL: Go back to the Cashier's office to pay remaining balance.Afterward, submit completed SPDS (FM-LPL/LPU-SC-REGO-02) to the Dean then claim Registration Form (FM-LPL/LPUSC-SC-REGO-15)Cashier, The Dean's office of your respective collegeAccounting Staf, Dean and Secretary
STEP 9: Proceed to bookstore for measurement of uniformBookstoreBookstore Staff