BANGKOK, Thailand – Communication experts, researchers, professors and students from Asia and other parts of the world attended the 27th Asian Media Information and Communication Center Annual Conference last June 17-19, 2019 at Chulalongkorn University.
Communication, Technology and New Humanism was the central theme of the conference with the purpose of answering the question, Are you human?
The conference aims to explain and discuss the relationship and effects of new technology to communication.
AMIC Director Crispin Maslog, Ph.D. emphasized that AMIC Annual Conference is an avenue to share knowledge among Communication practitioners and experts that will pave a way to the advancement of communication research and other related fields.
“We are communicating and we want to communicate effectively and therefore, you need to study how to communicate effectively. You (will) learn all of these principles and techniques from listening to the experts who are invited to conferences like this”, Director Maslog said.
Dr. Maslog also pointed out that new technology has greatly affected communication, “We are now going in to the digital world. Communication therefore, is more complicated but at the same time easier to do because of the machines, the technologies that are available in social media, digital media”.
New technology can be a boon or bane for communication. According to Professor Emeritus Eddie Kuo of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at NTU, we must be able to study how new technology will affect us.
“New media technology are changing so fast and so rapid…we don’t know yet what will be the consequences”, Professor Kuo stated.
Known communication experts and researchers from different international organizations and academic institutions also shared their relevant insights about communication and technology. Hundreds of researches related to the theme were presented in 27 parallel sessions.
Dr. Celia A. Tibayan (CAS Dean), Dr. Gerby Muya (Researcher Director), and Jonh Paul Seño (Lecturer) were the official delegates of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna in the said conference. They presented the research papers that they authored and co-authored. Four research outputs from LPU-Laguna were accepted for presentation.
Accepted research outputs from LPU-Laguna:
- Motivational Factors affecting Knowledge sharing on research among Faculty members in Selected Private HEIs in the Philippines
- Traditional and Blended Teaching in an ESL Classroom in the Philippines: A Comparative Study
- Online Information seeking Behavior during Typhoons of Residents of selected High-risk areas in the Philippines
- Using Tinder as Computer-mediated Communication Tool in Building Self-esteem and Relationships.
Research Director Dr. Muya stressed out that AMIC is a platform to present and share LPU-Laguna’s research outputs to international communication community.
“It is very important that we attend international conferences such as AMIC because we get to disseminate our research outputs to a larger audience. And we also get to link or network with reputable institutions in Asia and other parts of the world“, said Dr. Muya.