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AUAP Secretary General holds i16n conference in LPU Laguna

December 6, 2016
CICE Articles

By Felisse Marianne Z. San Juan

Department heads and faculty members of the Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna attended a seminar on internationalization facilitated by Dr. Ricardo Pama, secretary general of the Association of Universities in Asia and the Pacific, and the LPU-L Center for Internationalization and Continuing Education.

The seminar was entitled “Building Strategies and Strengthening Competencies for Internationalization” and served as a platform towards developing quality mobility and global engagement projects, as well as equipping the attendees with sufficient knowledge on the current ASEAN educational trends.

Dr. Pama provided an overview of how the ASEAN higher educational system is fast transitioning towards a global approach, highlighting the thrusts in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Global issues in higher education and future trends were also covered.

LPU-Laguna is a member of AUAP.